مجلة دراسات الإنسان و المجتمع

Human and Community Studies Journal

ISSN: 2710-0790 (Online)

ISSN: 2710-0782 (Print)

مجلة علمية محكّمة تهتم بنشر البحوث و الدراسات في مجال العلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية تصدر دورياً تحت إشراف نخبة من الأساتذة

The Use of Students' Mother Tongue in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

In this study, the researcher endeavored to explore the students' perception towards the use of students' first language in teaching English as a foreign language. It aimed to identify what are the advantages and disadvantages of using students’ first language in teaching English as foreign language based on students’ perspective. The researcher used quantitative investigation method which is used the descriptive and analytic method for data collection and analysis. The sample of 50 students participated in this study.
In this study, the researcher endeavored to explore the Higher Institute of Marine Sciences Techniques towards the use of students' first language in teaching English as a foreign language. It aimed to identify what are the advantages and disadvantages of using students’ first language in teaching English as foreign language based on students’ perspective. The researcher used quantitative investigation method which is used the descriptive and analytic method for data collection and analysis. The sample of 50 students participated in this study. The questionnaire of students' perception was used for data collection. The questionnaire is prepared to collect data about the value of using the first language. The analysis of questionnaire's response showed that majority of students would not like their teachers to use the first language in teaching English. The reason is that they thought using first language in teaching English will not help them to learn the English language especially speaking and listening skills. Finally the paper concluded with some recommendation.