International Science and Technology Journal

ISSN: 2519-9854 (Online)

ISSN: 2519-9846 (Print)


A peer-reviewed and open access journal concerned with publishing researches and studies in the field of applied sciences and engineering

Pseudowire Channel Emulation for Transporting Frame Relay Over MPLS Networks

في هذا البحث, نفق pseudowire تم تصميمه / تشبيهه باستخدام البرنامج التشبيهي GNS3 لنقل بيانات نوع frame relay عبر شبكات بروتوكول الإنترنت / تعدد البروتوكول متعدد الوسم IP/MPLS تم الحصول على اتصال بين طرفي Frame.
In this research, an emulated pseudowire channel has been designed/demonstrated using simulation program GNS3. This pseudowire channel allowed Service Providers SP to transport layer 2 data such as frame relay over an IP/MPLS network. A simple topology with 2 Frame Relay links of the layer 2 technology connected through IP/MPLS network by using GNS3 has been utilized /demonstrated.