Science and Technology Center for Research and Studies (STC-RS) is a scientific research center essentially aiming at evaluating, studying, and publishing researches in different science and technology fields, that has been established in July 2015 by a group of specialists. It is an institution with a legal entity, and independent administration and financial protection. Its main location is in Zawia city, Libya.
Primary Objectives
- Allowing opportunity for researchers in different sciences to research and study.
- Studying, evaluating, and publishing researches in different science fields.
- Managing and facilitating cooperation methods and joining scientific researchers at different locations.
- Establishing and publishing scientific journals.
- Performing studies and researches associated with Libyan environment.
- Providing decision makers with the appropriate scientific consultancy so as to achieve good results in all fields and at all levels.

د. خليل إسماعيل هاشم الشيخلي
أستاذ مساعد
قسم الفيزياء / كلية العلوم / جامعة بنغازي
أ. عبد العظيم عبد القادر محمد مفتاح الجازوي
المعهد العالي للمهن الشاملة - قمينس
Language: Arabic
Pub. Year: 2019
أ.د. أحمد العريفي الشارف
أستاذ تربية الرياضيات
قسم الرياضيات / كلية التربية جنزور / جامعة طرابلس
أ. عبير خليل صليبي
أستاذة الرياضيات
قسم الرياضيات / كلية التربية جنزور / جامعة طرابلس
Language: English
Pub. Year: 2021
د. سميرة الأمين محمد سليمان
أستاذ مشارك
قسم الرياضيات / كلية العلوم / جامعة الزاوية
Language: Arabic
Pub. Year: 2021
Admin Board
Dr. Ahmed S M Agena
Chairman of administrative board
- Assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences.
- From: Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Abdulhameed T. Zinbeel
- Lecturer in the field of Human Resources Planning.
- Institute of Higher Studies Planning.
Mohammad M. Haddood
- Lecturer in the field of Engineering of Material Sciences.
- From: University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Mohammad A. Al-Ganga
- M.A. in Electronics Engineering and Information Technology.
- From: Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
Basheer M. Bshena
- Master in Comparative Law.
- Responsible for Political and Legal Committee of the center.
Najy I. Al-Mabrouk
- Higher Diploma in Computer Sciences.
- Administrator of the website of the center.