Open Access Journal
International Science and Technology Journal

ISSN: 2519-9854 (Online)
ISSN: 2519-9846 (Print)
A peer-reviewed and open access journal concerned with publishing researches and studies in the field of applied sciences and engineering
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Publication and Scientific Research Ethics Policies of ISTJ
The International Science and Technology Journal adopts recognized international standards for the ethics of scientific publishing, represented in:
1. The researcher's responsibility
- Commitment to the principles and standards of research and publishing ethics.
- Submitting purely original research and writing a list of references that were used in the research.
- Commitment to writing the research in accordance with the journal's publishing rules.
- Adherence to the rules regarding quotation, documentation, and research and publishing ethics.
- Do not submit any work that has been previously published in other scientific journals, unless fundamental modifications are made within the research or in the title, he must not submit his work to more than one magazine at the same time. This is considered contrary to international publishing ethics.
- Publish his research in other journals only after receiving the official rejection from the journal or if the journal approves officially upon his request to withdraw the submitted research.
- Ensure that it obtains the approval of all authors participating in the research before submitting it for publication.
- To mention the contribution of others in the research correctly and to arrange the names of the researchers according to what was stated in the research, with the names being mentioned in sequence according to the scientific contribution of each of them to the research.
- Providing thanks and appreciation to those who contributed to the research and whose names were not mentioned among the researchers.
- Disclosure to the editorial board of the International Science and Technology Journal of any conflict of interest that may affect the evaluation of the research submitted for publication.
- Avoid unethical behavior by submitting the same research to more than one journal at the same time. If the researcher decides to submit the research to another journal; He must withdraw it from the magazine.
- Ensure the originality of his research and that it meets professional standards for research ethics, especially human and animal rights, in the event of participating in his research.
- Stay away from all types of unethical behavior such as plagiarism, fabrication and forgery.
- If the researcher discovers a serious error in his published research, he must inform the editorial board of the journal to delete or correct the error.
- Retaining the copyright to his work. Once the work is accepted for publication in the magazine, he is required to transfer the copyright to the publisher.
- Review his research and amend it according to the proposals submitted by the referees. If the researcher does not agree to adopt the proposed amendments, he must provide a logical justification for that. In the event that convincing reasons are not provided, the journal reserves the right to refuse publication.
2. The arbitrator’s responsibility
The scientific research evaluation process is one of the main stages of publishing in the International Science and Technology Journal, and it is the policy of the scientific publishing committee of the journal to ensure the professionalism of the work of the arbitrators and their commitment to international publishing ethics and principles. Therefore, the arbitrator must adhere to the following:
- Complete adherence to the standards of the International Publishing Ethics Committee for arbitrators when arbitrating research.
- Informing the editor-in-chief if he is not ready to review the scientific research submitted to him.
- Distancing himself from personal interests, such as using information obtained from peer-reviewed research for his personal benefit.
- The arbitrator shall not accept to arbitrate research in which there is a conflict of interest as a result of competitive or other relationships with the author.
- Ensure that the research is free from plagiarism or plagiarism. The arbitrator must also inform the editor-in-chief of any similarity between the research that was reviewed and any other existing published works.
- He must adhere to the standards of confidentiality related to the evaluation process. He must treat the research he submits for evaluation as confidential documents, and he must not disclose or discuss them with others except as authorized by the editor-in-chief.
- Investigating objectivity in the rulings and results issued by the evaluation process.
- Expressing his opinion fairly and clearly, along with supporting arguments.
- Commitment to the time allocated for the evaluation and evaluation process.
3. Responsibility of the managing editor
- The editor-in-chief of the journal, in cooperation with the editorial board, is responsible for selecting appropriate referees according to the research topic and the referee’s specialty, with complete confidentiality.
- The editorial director bears responsibility for the final disposition of all submissions for publication.
- The decision to publish or not to publish is based on the reviewer’ reports and observations, the scientific value of the research, its originality, and its relevance to the journal’s field of specialization.
Editors must also...
- Ensure that the confidentiality of the evaluation process and information received from the arbitrators is maintained.
- Ensure that research submitted for evaluation is consistent with the ethics and principles of scientific publishing.
- Not to discriminate between authors on the basis of gender, origin, religious belief, citizenship or political affiliation of the author.
- Handle authors’ complaints and maintaining any documents related to the complaints.
- Ensure that research is reviewed confidentially.