Open Access Journal

International Science and Technology Journal

ISSN: 2519-9854 (Online)

ISSN: 2519-9846 (Print)


A peer-reviewed and open access journal concerned with publishing researches and studies in the field of applied sciences and engineering

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Policies and conditions for attracting and selecting evaluators in ISTJ

See Also...

About the Journal

Editorial Borad

Advisory Committee

Publishing Guidelines

Researchers' Duties and Rights

Research and Publishing Ethics Policies

Evaluation Stages and Steps

First: Standards and Criteria for selecting evaluators to evaluate scientific manuscripts

The process of reviewing and evaluation of research published in the International Journal of Science and Technology is carried out by a group of experts and specialists in the field of research submitted for publication. Therefore, all reviewers and evaluator must meet the following conditions:

Second: General rights of evaluators and reviewers

Accredited evaluators have the right to benefit from the services provided by the journal, by inviting them to participate in the evaluation of the research and studies that the journal wishes to review, along with obtaining a copy of the journal.

Evaluators of scientific papers in the journal are paid 75 dinars for each scientific paper they evaluate and review.

Communication between the reviewers and the Journal takes place through a system specific to the Journal.

Third: Conditions for obtaining membership and a certified evaluator certificate from the association

The journal approves the names of evaluators specialized in the scientific fields published by the journa.

Fourth: Evaluation of the research

The research is evaluated in several stages. The first stage begins with ensuring that the research conforms to the conditions for publication, then the percentage of similarity and plagiarism in the research is verified using the best applications used by the magazine. Once the research is completed, the research is referred to two evaluators as a first step, and in the event that the evaluators’ results differ The team is augmented by a third evaluator.

After receiving the evaluators’ reports, the author is notified of the results, and if an amendment is requested, it is verified that the author has adhered to what was stated in the evaluators’ reports.

After paying the financial fees, the research is referred for technical review and then to the final production unit.

Fifth: Evaluation, review and publication fees

Our goal at International Science and Technology Journal is to ensure that articles are published according to appropriate quality controls, as quickly as possible, and that they are widely disseminated for science and knowledge. The journal is published by the open access publishing system. Your article will be immediately and freely available when published in the International Science and Technology Journal, and forever. The researcher pays financial fees to cover the costs of arbitration, review, and paper and electronic publication of the scientific paper in exchange for all services from the costs of processing and evaluating articles, to the professional production of articles in various electronic formats and other forms, in addition to other services.

Sixth: Editors’ responsibilities

Editors of the International Science and Technology Journal must ensure peer review of submitted articles and all information on submitted manuscripts must be screened and kept confidential before publication. Editors must prevent any potential conflicts of interest between the author and reviewers.

Seventh: Reviewers' responsibilities

Reviewers who will evaluate works submitted for publication must maintain the confidentiality of all information related to scientific materials prepared for publication, and the evaluation must be done objectively, transparent and clear.